
Percy Grainger
Arrival Platform Humlet, for viola or massed violas
Birthday Gift, for voices, 2 horns and piano
Colleen Dhas and strings
Colonial Song, for violin, cello and piano
Eastern Intermezzo, for tuneful percussion
Free Music no. 1, for violin, viola, cello and bass or for string orchestra
Handel in the Strand, clog dance for piano, violin, viola ad lib. and cello
Irish Tune from County Derry
La Scandinavie, for cello and piano
Lord Peter's Stable-Boy, folk song for elastic scoring
Mock Morris, for 6 string players
Molly on the Shore, folk song for violin and piano
My Robin is to the Greenwood Gone, song for flute, English horn and strings
Sea Song, for string quartet and harmonium
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for flute, clarinet, horn, concertino and strings
The Maiden and the Frog, folk song for cello and piano
Theme and Variations, for string quartet
The Merry King, folk song for 10 or more strings or winds or both and piano with organ ad lib.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale and the Two Sisters, folk song for elastic scoring
The Only Son, for string quartet and harmonium
The Running of Shindand, for 5 cellos
The Shoemaker from Jerusalem
The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol, folk song for cello
The Two Sisters, folk song for cello and organ
Tiger, Tiger, for 5 cellos
Walking Tune, for wind quintet
Youthful Rapture, for cello, violin, piano, harmonium and chamber ensemble
A Bridal Lullaby
Andante con moto
As Sally Sat A-Weeping, for 2 pianos
Blithe Bells
Blithe Bells, for 2 pianos
Children's March
Children's March, folk song
Colonial Song
Country Gardens, folk song for 2 pianos
Eastern Intermezzo
English Dance, for 2 pianos, 6 hands
English Waltz
Fantasy on Gershwin's 'Porgy and Bess,' for 2 pianos
Green Bushes, passacaglia for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Handel in the Strand, clog dance
Handel in the Strand, clog dance, for 2 pianos
Hard-Hearted Barb'ra
Harvest Hymn
Harvest Hymn, for 2 pianos, 8 hands
Harvest Hymn, for piano, 4 hands with voice or unison chorus ad lib.
In a Nutshell, suite
In Bristol Town, folk song
In Bristol Town, folk song for piano, 6 hands
In Dahomey
Irish Tune from County Derry
Jutish Medley, folk songs for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Klavierstück in A minor
Klavierstück in B flat major
Klavierstück in D
Klavierstück in E
Knight and Shepherd's Daughter, folk song
Let's Dance Gay in Green Meadow, for piano, 4 hands
Lincolnshire Posy, folk song suite for 2 pianos
Mock Morris, for 2 pianos
Molly on the Shore, folk song for 2 pianos
My Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone
Near Woodstock Town, folk song
One More Day, My John, chanty for piano
Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky's Flower Waltz
Random Round, for 2 pianos, 11 hands
Rimmer and Goldcastle
Sailor's Song
Saxon Twiplay
Scotch Strathspey and Reel, folk song
Scotch Strathspey and Reel, folk song for piano
Seven Men from All the World
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for 2 pianos
Spoon River, folk song
Stalt Vesselil
The Brisk Young Sailor, folk song
The Hunter in His Career
The Immovable Do
The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes, for piano, 4 hands
The Merry King, folk song
The Rival Brothers, folk song
The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol, folk song
The Warriors, for 2 pianos, 6 hands with optional brass ensemble
The Widow's Party
The Widow's Party March, for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Three Scottish Folksongs
Tiger, Tiger
Train Music
Walking Tune
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for piano, 6 hands
Zanzibar Boat Song, for piano, 4 hands
The Warriors, for orchestra and 3 pianos
Blithe Bells
Blithe Bells, for band and tuneful percussion
Children's March
Chorale no. 2, for wind ensemble
Colonial Song
Colonial Song
Country Gardens, folk song, BFMS 22
Danish Folk Music Suite
Danny Boy, for band
Died for Love, folk song for string orchestra
Down Longford Way
Early One Morning, folk song for string orchestra
English Dance, for orchestra and organ
English Dance, for theater orchestra
Faeroe Island Dance
Fisher's Boarding House, for orchestra
Green Bushes, passacaglia for 22 solo instruments or orchestra
Handel in the Strand, clog dance for orchestra
Harvest Hymn,
Hill Song no. 1, for 22 wind instruments
Hill Song no. 2, for 23 or 24 wind instruments or band
Hill Song no. 2, for orchestra
In a Nutshell Suite, piano and Deagan percussion instruments
Irish Tune from County Derry
Irish Tune from County Derry
Irish Tune from County Derry
Kleine Variationen-Form, for small orchestra
Lincolnshire Posy, folk song suite
Marching Song of Democracy, for wind band with optional chorus
Mock Morris, for orchestra
Molly on the Shore, folk song
Molly on the Shore, folk song
Scherzo, for string orchestra
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for military band
Spoon River, folk song for band
Spoon River, folk song for elastic scoring
The Crew of the Long Serpent
The Duke of Marlborough Fanfare, for brass band
The Immovable Do, for 9 solo strings or string orchestra
The Immovable Do, for wind band
The Lads of Wamphray March, for wind band
The Power of Love, folk song for piano, harmonium and strings
The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart, for band, organ and optional strings
There Were Three Friends
To a Nordic Princess, for orchestra with organ ad lib.
Walking Tune
We Were Dreamers
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for brass or wind band
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for elastic scoring
Youthful Suite
Agincourt Song
Anchor Song, for baritone and male chorus
A Reiver's Neck-Verse, for voice and piano
A Song of Autumn
A Song of Värmeland
At Twilight, for tenor and chorus
Australian Up-Country Song
Bold William Taylor, folk song for mezzo-soprano or baritone and piano
Brigg Fair
British Waterside
Colonial Song, for soprano, tenor, harp and orchestra
Creepin' Jane, folk song for voice and piano
Crying for the Moon
Danny Deever, song for baritone, male chorus and orchestra
David of the White Rock
Died for Love
Dollar and a Half a Day, chanty for male chorus
Farewell to an Atoll
Father and Daughter, for 5 male narrators, double chorus, strings, brass and percussion
Ganges Pilot, for male voice and piano
Handkerchief Dance, Country Gardens, for choir
Honey Pot Bee
Hubby and Wifey
I'm Seventeen Come Sunday
Irish Tune from County Derry
Irish Tune from County Derry
King Solomon's Espousals, for chorus
Kipling's Jungle Book Cycle, for chorus and chamber ensemble or piano
Little Ole with his Umbrella
Lord Maxwell's Goodnight, folk song for baritone and string orchestra
Lord Maxwell's Goodnight, folk song for high voice and string quartet
Love at First Sight
Love at First Sight, for soprano and chorus
Love Verses from the Song of Solomon, for 4 soloists, chorus and orchestra
Lukannon, song for voice and piano
Marching Song of Democracy, for chorus
Marching Tune
Mary Thomson
Merciful Town, song for voice and piano
Mo Nighean Dubh
My Love's in Germanie
Near Woodstock Town
Northern Ballad, song for voice and piano
O Gin I Were Where Gowrie
Recessional, for chorus with organ ad lib.
Ride with an Idle Whip, song for voice and piano
Sailor's Chanty, for male voice and piano
Scotch Strathspey and Reel
Shallow Brown, chanty for 1 or 2 voices
Sir Eglamore, for chorus
Six Dukes Went A-Fishin'
Skye Boat Song, folk song for chorus
Soldier, Soldier
Soldier, Soldier, for 6 soloists and chorus
Songs of the North, 14 folk songs
Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol
Thanksgiving Song, for chorus
The 3 Ravens
The Bride's Tragedy
The Bride's Tragedy, for chorus and orchestra
The First Chanty, for voice and piano
The Gypsy's Wedding Day
The Hunter in his Career, for chorus
The Lads of Wamphray, for chorus
The Land o' the Leal
The Lost Lady Found
The Love Song of Har Dyal
The Love Song of Har Dyal, song for female unison chorus and chamber ensemble
The Men of the Sea, for voice and piano
The Merry Wedding
The Old Woman at the Christening, folk song for mezzo-soprano, harmonium and piano
The Power of Love, folk song for soprano and chamber ensemble
The Pretty Maid Milkin' Her Cow
There Was a Pig Went Out to Dig
The Sea Wife, song for baritone
The Sea Wife, song for voice and piano
The Secret of the Sea, song for male voice and piano
The Sprig of Thyme
The Twa Corbies, for male voice, 2 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos and double bass
The Widow's Party, for male chorus and orchestra
The Widow's Party, for voice and piano
The Wraith of Odin, for chorus
The Young British Soldier, for voice and piano
Thou Gracious Power, hymn for chorus
Three Burns Songs, for voice and piano
To Echo
Tribute to Foster, for 5 soloists, chorus, piano, musical glasses and orchestra
Two Sea Chanties, for male chorus
Under en Bro
We Have Fed Our Sea for a Thousand Years, for chorus and brass
Willow, Willow, song for voice, 4 strings and guitar
Ye banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon

Percy Grainger
Arrival Platform Humlet, for viola or massed violas
Birthday Gift, for voices, 2 horns and piano
Colleen Dhas and strings
Colonial Song, for violin, cello and piano
Eastern Intermezzo, for tuneful percussion
Free Music no. 1, for violin, viola, cello and bass or for string orchestra
Handel in the Strand, clog dance for piano, violin, viola ad lib. and cello
Irish Tune from County Derry
La Scandinavie, for cello and piano
Lord Peter's Stable-Boy, folk song for elastic scoring
Mock Morris, for 6 string players
Molly on the Shore, folk song for violin and piano
My Robin is to the Greenwood Gone, song for flute, English horn and strings
Sea Song, for string quartet and harmonium
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for flute, clarinet, horn, concertino and strings
The Maiden and the Frog, folk song for cello and piano
Theme and Variations, for string quartet
The Merry King, folk song for 10 or more strings or winds or both and piano with organ ad lib.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale and the Two Sisters, folk song for elastic scoring
The Only Son, for string quartet and harmonium
The Running of Shindand, for 5 cellos
The Shoemaker from Jerusalem
The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol, folk song for cello
The Two Sisters, folk song for cello and organ
Tiger, Tiger, for 5 cellos
Walking Tune, for wind quintet
Youthful Rapture, for cello, violin, piano, harmonium and chamber ensemble
A Bridal Lullaby
Andante con moto
As Sally Sat A-Weeping, for 2 pianos
Blithe Bells
Blithe Bells, for 2 pianos
Children's March
Children's March, folk song
Colonial Song
Country Gardens, folk song for 2 pianos
Eastern Intermezzo
English Dance, for 2 pianos, 6 hands
English Waltz
Fantasy on Gershwin's 'Porgy and Bess,' for 2 pianos
Green Bushes, passacaglia for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Handel in the Strand, clog dance
Handel in the Strand, clog dance, for 2 pianos
Hard-Hearted Barb'ra
Harvest Hymn
Harvest Hymn, for 2 pianos, 8 hands
Harvest Hymn, for piano, 4 hands with voice or unison chorus ad lib.
In a Nutshell, suite
In Bristol Town, folk song
In Bristol Town, folk song for piano, 6 hands
In Dahomey
Irish Tune from County Derry
Jutish Medley, folk songs for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Klavierstück in A minor
Klavierstück in B flat major
Klavierstück in D
Klavierstück in E
Knight and Shepherd's Daughter, folk song
Let's Dance Gay in Green Meadow, for piano, 4 hands
Lincolnshire Posy, folk song suite for 2 pianos
Mock Morris, for 2 pianos
Molly on the Shore, folk song for 2 pianos
My Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone
Near Woodstock Town, folk song
One More Day, My John, chanty for piano
Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky's Flower Waltz
Random Round, for 2 pianos, 11 hands
Rimmer and Goldcastle
Sailor's Song
Saxon Twiplay
Scotch Strathspey and Reel, folk song
Scotch Strathspey and Reel, folk song for piano
Seven Men from All the World
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for 2 pianos
Spoon River, folk song
Stalt Vesselil
The Brisk Young Sailor, folk song
The Hunter in His Career
The Immovable Do
The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes, for piano, 4 hands
The Merry King, folk song
The Rival Brothers, folk song
The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol, folk song
The Warriors, for 2 pianos, 6 hands with optional brass ensemble
The Widow's Party
The Widow's Party March, for 2 pianos, 6 hands
Three Scottish Folksongs
Tiger, Tiger
Train Music
Walking Tune
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for piano, 6 hands
Zanzibar Boat Song, for piano, 4 hands
The Warriors, for orchestra and 3 pianos
Blithe Bells
Blithe Bells, for band and tuneful percussion
Children's March
Chorale no. 2, for wind ensemble
Colonial Song
Colonial Song
Country Gardens, folk song, BFMS 22
Danish Folk Music Suite
Danny Boy, for band
Died for Love, folk song for string orchestra
Down Longford Way
Early One Morning, folk song for string orchestra
English Dance, for orchestra and organ
English Dance, for theater orchestra
Faeroe Island Dance
Fisher's Boarding House, for orchestra
Green Bushes, passacaglia for 22 solo instruments or orchestra
Handel in the Strand, clog dance for orchestra
Harvest Hymn,
Hill Song no. 1, for 22 wind instruments
Hill Song no. 2, for 23 or 24 wind instruments or band
Hill Song no. 2, for orchestra
In a Nutshell Suite, piano and Deagan percussion instruments
Irish Tune from County Derry
Irish Tune from County Derry
Irish Tune from County Derry
Kleine Variationen-Form, for small orchestra
Lincolnshire Posy, folk song suite
Marching Song of Democracy, for wind band with optional chorus
Mock Morris, for orchestra
Molly on the Shore, folk song
Molly on the Shore, folk song
Scherzo, for string orchestra
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song
Shepherd's Hey!, folk song for military band
Spoon River, folk song for band
Spoon River, folk song for elastic scoring
The Crew of the Long Serpent
The Duke of Marlborough Fanfare, for brass band
The Immovable Do, for 9 solo strings or string orchestra
The Immovable Do, for wind band
The Lads of Wamphray March, for wind band
The Power of Love, folk song for piano, harmonium and strings
The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart, for band, organ and optional strings
There Were Three Friends
To a Nordic Princess, for orchestra with organ ad lib.
Walking Tune
We Were Dreamers
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for brass or wind band
Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon, folk song for elastic scoring
Youthful Suite