
Wolfgang Rihm
Abschieds-Marsch, for 4 trumpets, 3 trombones and percussion
Antlitz, for violin and piano
Canzona nuova, for 5 violas
Fremde Szene I, for piano trio
Fremde Szene II, for piano trio
Fremde Szene III, for piano trio
Fremde Szenen I-III, for piano trio
Hekton, for violin and piano
Kein Firmament, for 14 players
Phantom und Eskapade, for violin and piano
Piano Trio
Schrift-Um-Schrift, for 2 pianos and 2 percussionists
Sine Nomine I, for 5 brass instruments
String Quartet no. 3, "Im Innersten"
String Quartet no. 5
String Quartet no. 8
String Quartet no. 9, "Quartettsatz"
Studies for Clarinet Quintet
Uber die Linie VII, for violin
Vier Male, for clarinet in A
Violin Sonata
Auf einem anderen Blatt, for piano
Brahmsliebewalzer, for piano
Klavierstück no. 1, op. 8a
Klavierstück no. 2, op. 8b
Klavierstück no. 4
Klavierstück no. 5, "Tombeau"
Klavierstück no. 6
Klavierstück no. 7
Nachstudie, for piano
Préludes for piano
Wortlos, for piano
Zwei kleine Schwingungen, for piano
Zwiesprache, for piano
Über-Schrift, for 2 pianos
COLL'ARCO, for violin and orchestra
Dis-Kontur, for large orchestra
Doppelgesang, for viola, violin and orchestra
Dritte Musik, for violin and orchestra
Dunkles Spiel, for small orchestra
Gesungene Zeit, for violin and orchestra
Jagden und Formen, for orchestra
Klangbeschreibung I, for 3 orchestra groups
Klangbeschreibung III, for large orchestra
Konzert in einem Satz, for cello and orchestra
La musique creuse le ciel, for 2 pianos and large orchestra
Lichtes Spiel
Lichtzwang, for violin and orchestra
Marsyas, rhapsody for trumpet with percussion and orchestra
Morphonie, for string quartet and orchestra
Music for Oboe and Orchestra
Musik fur Klarinette und Orchester, "Uber die Linie II"
Styx und Lethe, for cello and orchestra
Sub-Kontur, for orchestra
Symphony no. 1, op. 3
Symphony no. 2
Ungemaltes Bild, for orchestra
Vers une Symphonie fleuve III, for orchestra
Verwandlung, for orchestra
Verwandlung 2, for orchestra
Verwandlung 3, for orchestra
Verwandlung 4, for orchestra
3 Gedichte von Monique Thoné, for middle voice and piano
4 spate Gedichte von Friedrich Ruckert, for voice and piano
5 Gedichte von J.M.R. Lenz, for voice and piano
Aestimatus sum, motet for chorus
Akt und Tag, 2 studies for soprano and string quartet
Caligaverunt oculi mei, motet for chorus
Das Rot, song cycle for soprano or tenor and piano
Depart, for chorus, speaking chorus and 22 players
DEUS PASSUS, oratorio for soloists, chorus and orchestra
Ende der Handschrift, song cycle for voice and piano
Frau / Stimme, for soprano and orchestra with second soprano
Klangbeschreibung II, for 4 women's voices, brass quintet and percussion ensemble
Nachtwach, for 8 voices, chorus, 4 trombones and woodblock
Passionsmotetten, for voices
Quid est Deus, for chorus and orchestra
Raumauge, for chorus and 5 percussionists
Recessit pastor noster, motet for chorus
Rilke: 4 Gedichte, for tenor and piano
Symphonie 'Nähe fern', for baritone and orchestra
Umsungen, for baritone and 8 instruments
Vigilia, for 6 voices and ensemble

Wolfgang Rihm
Abschieds-Marsch, for 4 trumpets, 3 trombones and percussion
Antlitz, for violin and piano
Canzona nuova, for 5 violas
Fremde Szene I, for piano trio
Fremde Szene II, for piano trio
Fremde Szene III, for piano trio
Fremde Szenen I-III, for piano trio
Hekton, for violin and piano
Kein Firmament, for 14 players
Phantom und Eskapade, for violin and piano
Piano Trio
Schrift-Um-Schrift, for 2 pianos and 2 percussionists
Sine Nomine I, for 5 brass instruments
String Quartet no. 3, "Im Innersten"
String Quartet no. 5
String Quartet no. 8
String Quartet no. 9, "Quartettsatz"
Studies for Clarinet Quintet
Uber die Linie VII, for violin
Vier Male, for clarinet in A
Violin Sonata
Auf einem anderen Blatt, for piano
Brahmsliebewalzer, for piano
Klavierstück no. 1, op. 8a
Klavierstück no. 2, op. 8b
Klavierstück no. 4
Klavierstück no. 5, "Tombeau"
Klavierstück no. 6
Klavierstück no. 7
Nachstudie, for piano
Préludes for piano
Wortlos, for piano
Zwei kleine Schwingungen, for piano
Zwiesprache, for piano
Über-Schrift, for 2 pianos
COLL'ARCO, for violin and orchestra
Dis-Kontur, for large orchestra
Doppelgesang, for viola, violin and orchestra
Dritte Musik, for violin and orchestra
Dunkles Spiel, for small orchestra
Gesungene Zeit, for violin and orchestra
Jagden und Formen, for orchestra
Klangbeschreibung I, for 3 orchestra groups
Klangbeschreibung III, for large orchestra
Konzert in einem Satz, for cello and orchestra
La musique creuse le ciel, for 2 pianos and large orchestra
Lichtes Spiel
Lichtzwang, for violin and orchestra
Marsyas, rhapsody for trumpet with percussion and orchestra
Morphonie, for string quartet and orchestra
Music for Oboe and Orchestra
Musik fur Klarinette und Orchester, "Uber die Linie II"
Styx und Lethe, for cello and orchestra
Sub-Kontur, for orchestra
Symphony no. 1, op. 3
Symphony no. 2
Ungemaltes Bild, for orchestra
Vers une Symphonie fleuve III, for orchestra
Verwandlung, for orchestra
Verwandlung 2, for orchestra
Verwandlung 3, for orchestra
Verwandlung 4, for orchestra