

Arvo Pärt







... which was the son of...

2 Slavic Psalms, for chorus or soloists

7 Magnificat Antiphons

Adam's Lament, for chorus and orchestra

Alleluja Tropus, for chorus and orchestra

An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten, for soloists or chorus and organ

And One of the Pharisees, for 3 voices or chorus

Beatus Petronius, for chorus and orchestra

Berliner Messe, for chorus and organ

Bogoróditse dyévo

Cantate Domino, for chorus and organ

Cantique des degrés, for choir and orchestra

Cecilia, vergine romana, for chorus and orchestra

Christmas Lullaby, for chorus and orchestra

Como cierva sedienta, for female choir and orchestra

Credo, for chorus, piano, and orchestra

Da pacem Domine

De Profundis

De profundis, for male chorus, percussion, and organ

Dopo la vittoria: Little cantata

Es sang vor langen Jahren, for countertenor, violin, and viola

Estonian Lullaby, for chorus and orchestra

I Am the True Vine

In principio, for mixed chorus and orchestra

Kanon Pokajanen,

Kuus, kuus kallike, Estonian lullaby for 2 voices and ensemble

L'Abbé Agathon, soloists, chorus and orchestra

Litany, for soloists, chorus, and orchestra

Littlemore Tractus, for chorus and organ



Miserere, for soloists, chorus, chamber ensemble, and organ

Missa sillabica

Morning Star, for chorus

Most Holy Mother of God

My Heart's in the Highlands, for chorus and organ

Nunc dimittis

Passio, for tenor, bass, vocal quartet, chorus, oboe, bassoon, violin, cello and organ

Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem

Peace Upon You, Jerusalem, for chorus

Salve regina, for chorus and organ

Sarah Was Ninety Years Old, for soprano, 2 tenors, organ, and percussion

Sei gelobt, du Baum, for baritone and early music ensemble


Spiegel im spiegel

Stabat Mater, for choir and string orchestra

Stabat Mater, for soprano, alto, tenor, violin, viola, and cello

Statuit ei Dominus, for chorus and orchestra


Te Deum, for double chorus, strings, prepared piano, and tape

The Beatitudes, for chorus and organ

The Deer's Cry, for chorus

The Woman with the Alabaster Box

Tribute to Caesar


Vater unser

Veni creator, for chorus and organ