
Karol Szymanowski
3 Caprices of Paganini, op. 40
3 Myths, for violin and piano, op. 30
Lullaby, for violin and piano, op. 52, M58, "La berceuse d'Aïtacho Enia"
Nocturne et Tarentelle, for violin and piano, op. 28
Piesn Kurpiowska, for violin and piano
Polnische Weise, for violin
Romance in D major, for violin and piano, op. 23
String Quartet no. 1 in C major, op. 37, M41
String Quartet no. 2, op. 56, M64
Violin Sonata in D minor, op. 9
2 Mazurkas, op. 62, M73
3 Masques, op. 34, M35
4 Etudes, op. 4, M3
4 Polish Dances, M60
9 Preludes, op. 1, M1
12 Etudes, op. 33, M34
20 Mazurkas, op. 50, M56
Fantasy in C major, op. 14, M13
Metopes Op.29, M31
Piano Sonata no. 1 in C major, op. 8, M8
Piano Sonata no. 2 in A major, op. 21, M25
Piano Sonata no. 3, op. 36, M38
Prelude and Fugue in C sharp minor, M19
Prelude in C sharp minor
Romantic Waltz, M59a
Variations in B flat minor, op. 3, M5
Variations on a Polish Folk Theme in B minor, op. 10, M10
Symphony no. 2 in B flat major, op. 19, M24
Symphony no. 3, for soprano, tenor, chorus, and orchestra, op. 27, M36, "The Song of the Night"
Symphony no. 4, for piano and orchestra, op. 60, M70, "Symphonie Concertante"
Violin Concerto no. 1, op. 35, M37
Violin Concerto no. 2, op. 61, M71
Concert Overture in E major, op. 12, M12
Symphony no. 1 in F minor, op. 15, M15
Stabat Mater, for soprano, alto, baritone, chorus, and orchestra, op. 53, M60
4 Songs for voice and piano, op. 41
6 Kurpie Songs, for chorus, M66
6 Songs for voice and piano, op. 2, M2
6 Songs of a Fairy-Tale Princess, voice and piano, op. 31, M32
6 Songs of an Infatuated Muezzin, op. 42, M44
7 Songs for voice and piano, op. 54, M63
8 Love Songs of Hafiz, for tenor and orchestra, op. 26, M28
12 Kurpie Songs for voice and piano, op. 58, M69
Demeter, for alto, women's chorus, and orchestra, op. 37bis, M39
Idom se siuhaje dolu, spiewajecy, song for voice and piano
Penthesilea, op. 18, M18
Slopiwenie, 5 songs for voice and piano, op. 46bis, M51
The Swan, song for voice and piano, op. 7, M7
Veni Creator, for soprano, chorus, orchestra, and organ, op. 57, M67

Karol Szymanowski
3 Caprices of Paganini, op. 40
3 Myths, for violin and piano, op. 30
Lullaby, for violin and piano, op. 52, M58, "La berceuse d'Aïtacho Enia"
Nocturne et Tarentelle, for violin and piano, op. 28
Piesn Kurpiowska, for violin and piano
Polnische Weise, for violin
Romance in D major, for violin and piano, op. 23
String Quartet no. 1 in C major, op. 37, M41
String Quartet no. 2, op. 56, M64
Violin Sonata in D minor, op. 9
2 Mazurkas, op. 62, M73
3 Masques, op. 34, M35
4 Etudes, op. 4, M3
4 Polish Dances, M60
9 Preludes, op. 1, M1
12 Etudes, op. 33, M34
20 Mazurkas, op. 50, M56
Fantasy in C major, op. 14, M13
Metopes Op.29, M31
Piano Sonata no. 1 in C major, op. 8, M8
Piano Sonata no. 2 in A major, op. 21, M25
Piano Sonata no. 3, op. 36, M38
Prelude and Fugue in C sharp minor, M19
Prelude in C sharp minor
Romantic Waltz, M59a
Variations in B flat minor, op. 3, M5
Variations on a Polish Folk Theme in B minor, op. 10, M10
Symphony no. 2 in B flat major, op. 19, M24
Symphony no. 3, for soprano, tenor, chorus, and orchestra, op. 27, M36, "The Song of the Night"
Symphony no. 4, for piano and orchestra, op. 60, M70, "Symphonie Concertante"
Violin Concerto no. 1, op. 35, M37
Violin Concerto no. 2, op. 61, M71
Concert Overture in E major, op. 12, M12
Symphony no. 1 in F minor, op. 15, M15