
Zoltán Kodály
Sonata for Solo Cello, op. 8
Adagio, for violin and piano
Capriccio for Cello
Duo for Violin and Cello, op. 7
Gavotte for 3 Violins and Cello
Romance lyrique, for cello and piano
Serenade, for 2 violins and viola, op. 12
Sonata for Cello and Piano, op. 4
Sonata Movement, for cello and piano
Sonatina for Cello and Piano
String Quartet no. 1, op. 2
String Quartet no. 2, op. 10
Psalmus Hungaricus, oratorio for tenor, chorus, children's chorus ad lib, orchestra, and organ, op. 13
2 Drinking songs, for male chorus
2 Zoborvideki nepdal, for chorus
4 Madrigali, for chorus
6 Trefas kanon, for chorus
7 Konnyu gyermekkar
8 Little Duets, for soprano, tenor and piano
150. genfi zsoltar, for chorus
Adventi ének
Angyalok es pasztorok, for chorus
An Ode for Music, for chorus
Arva vagyok, for chorus
Budavári te Deum, for soloists, chorus, orchestra and organ ad lib.
Ciganysirato, for chorus
Cohors generosa, for chorus, for chorus
Csalfa sugar, for chorus
Dal, for chorus
Egyetem-begyetem, for chorus
Enek Szent Istvan kiralyhoz, for chorus
Este, for soprano and chorus
Esti Dal, folksong for high voice or mixed or male chorus
Felszállot a páva, folksong for male or mixed chorus
Geneva Psalm 114, for chorus and organ
Geneva Psalm 121, for chorus
Gergelyjárás, for high voice chorus
Golya nota, for chorus
Hegyi ejszakak, for chorus
Horatii Carmen II. 10, 'Rectius vives', for chorus
Hungarian Folk Music, 62 folksongs for voice and piano
Janos koszonto, for chorus
Jézus és a kufárok
Lengyel lászló, for high voice chorus
Liszt ferenchez, for chorus
Media vita in morte sumus, for chorus, "Homo perpende fragilis"
Meghalok, meghalok, for chorus
Mez, mez, mez, for chorus
Missa Brevis, for soloists, chorus and organ
Mátrai képek
Norvég leányok, for chorus
Pange lingua, for chorus
Pünkösdölo, for high voice chorus, "Whitsuntide"
Stabat mater, for chorus
Székely keserves, folksong for chorus
Tancnota, for chorus
The Music Makers, an Ode, for chorus and orchestra
Táncnóta, for high voice chorus
Túrót eszik a cigány, folksong for female chorus or mixed chorus
Uj esztendot koszonto, for chorus
Vejnemojnen uzsikal, for chorus
Vizkerestz, for chorus
Öregek, for chorus, "The aged"

Zoltán Kodály
Sonata for Solo Cello, op. 8
Adagio, for violin and piano
Capriccio for Cello
Duo for Violin and Cello, op. 7
Gavotte for 3 Violins and Cello
Romance lyrique, for cello and piano
Serenade, for 2 violins and viola, op. 12
Sonata for Cello and Piano, op. 4
Sonata Movement, for cello and piano
Sonatina for Cello and Piano
String Quartet no. 1, op. 2
String Quartet no. 2, op. 10