

Charles Gounod









Messe solennelle de Sainte Cécile

A Cécile, song for voice and piano

A la Madone

An Evening Service, for chorus and organ

A toi mon coeur

A une bourse, song for voice and piano

A une jeune fille, song for voice and piano

A une jeune grecque, song for voice and piano

Au printemps

Ave verum

Beware: I know a maiden, song for voice and piano

Blessures, song for voice and piano

Boire à l'ombre, song for voice and piano

Boléro, song for voice and piano

Chanson du printemps

Chanson printanière, for voice and piano

Chants sacrés, 60 part songs for voices and organ in 3 volumes

D'un coeur qui t'aime, for soprano, alto, and piano

Dans cette étable, for chorus and orchestra

Donne-moi cette fleur, song for voice and piano

Gallia: Lamentation, motet for soprano, chorus, orchestra, and organ

Hynne a la Nuit


It is not always May, song for voice and piano

Jésus de Nazareth, for baritone and piano with organ ad lib., "Nazareth"


L'âme d'un ange, song for voice and piano

La chanson du pêcheur, for voice and piano

La Reine Du Matin

La rédemption, trilogy of oratorios for soloists, chorus and orchestra

La salutation angélique, song for voice, piano, violin or cello and organ ad lib.

Le ciel a visité la terre, song for voice or unison chorus and piano

Les deux pigeons

Le soir

Les sept paroles du N.S. Jésus-Christ sur la croix

Le temps des roses

Le Vendredi-Saint, for chorus

Mass in B flat major

Mass no. 2 in F major, op. 1

Messe brève no. 5 aux séminaires, for 2 tenors, bass, male chorus and organ

Messe brève no. 7 aux Chapelles

Messe brève pour les morts, for soloists, double chorus and orchestra in F

Messe solennelle no. 4 for chorus and 2 organs, "Messe Chorale"

Miserere, for 4 soloists, chorus and organ ad lib.

Missa angeli custodes, for soloists, chorus and organ

Mon habit, song for voice and piano

Mors et Vita

My true love hath my heart, for chorus and piano

Noël, for soprano, alto, female chorus and piano with organ ad lib.

Oh! that we two were maying, song for voice and piano with harmonium and viola ad lib.

O salutaris, for chorus and piano or organ

Pater noster, for chorus and organ

Primavera, song for voice and piano

Prière du soir

Prière du soir, for chorus

Quand l'enfant prie, song for voice and piano

Queen of Love, song for voice and piano

Regina coeli, for 5 voices


Réponse de Medjé, song for voice and piano

Sérénade, "Chantez, riez, dormez"

There is a green hill far away


Under Thy Grace

Viens, les gazons sont verts

Vierges d'Athenes, for voice and piano