
Henry Purcell
March and Canzona for the Funeral of Queen Mary, for 4 trumpets, Z.860
15 Fantasias for viols, D.732-747
A New Ground, for harpsichord, Z.T682
Chaconne in F for Recorder
Chaconne in F for Recorder and Organ
Chaconne in G minor for 4 Strings, Z.730
Chacony in G minor, for chamber ensemble, Z.730
Fantasia a4 in A minor, Z.744
Fantasia in D upon a Ground for 3 Violins and Continuo, Z.731
Here, the deities approve, for chamber ensemble
In Nomine of seven parts, for chamber ensemble
In Nomine of six parts, for chamber ensemble
Overture and Suite in G major, Z.770
Overture in D minor, Z.771
Overture in G minor, Z.772
Pavane and Chaconne
Pavan in A major, Z.748
Pavan in A minor, Z.749
Pavan in B flat major for 2 Violins, Z.750
Pavan in G minor, Z.751
Pavan in G minor for 3 Violins, Z.752
Prelude, for violin solo in G minor, ZN 773
Prelude in F for Solo Recorder
Prelude in G minor for Solo Violin, Z.773
Sonata a4 no. 1 in B minor, Z.802
Sonata a4 no. 2 in E flat major, Z.803
Sonata a4 no. 3 in A minor, Z.804
Sonata a4 no. 4 in D minor, Z.805
Sonata a4 no. 5 in G minor, Z.806
Sonata a4 no. 6 in G minor, Z.807
Sonata a4 no. 7 in C major, Z.808
Sonata a4 no. 8 in G minor, Z.809
Sonata a4 no. 10 in D major, Z.811
Sonata a5 in D major, Z.850
Sonata in C major, for trumpet, strings and organ
Suite for Trumpet and Organ
Theater Suite, for chamber ensemble
The Staircase Overture, Z.614
Three Parts Upon a Ground, for chamber ensemble
Trio Sonata in G minor, Z.780
Trio Sonata no. 1 in G minor, Z.790
Trio Sonata no. 2 in B flat major, Z.791
Trio Sonata no. 3 in D minor, Z.792
Trio Sonata no. 4 in F major, Z.793
Trio Sonata no. 5 in A minor, Z.794
Trio Sonata no. 6 in C major, Z.795
Trio Sonata no. 7 in E minor, Z.796
Trio Sonata no. 8 in G major, Z.797
Trio Sonata no. 9 in C minor, Z.798
Trio Sonata no. 9 in F, Z.810, "The Golden Sonata"
Trio Sonata no. 10 in A major, Z.799
Trio Sonata no. 11 in F minor, Z.800
Trio Sonta no. 12 in D major, Z.801
Trumpet Sonata in D major, Z. 850
Trumpet Sonata in D major, Z.850
8 Suites, Z.660-669
Air in G major, Z.641
A New Ground in E minor, Z.682
A New Irish Tune in G major, Z.646, "Lilliburlero"
A New Minuet in D minor, Z.689
A New Scotch Tune in G major, Z.655
Chaconne in G minor, Z.680
Ground in C minor, Z.681
Ground in Gamut in G major, Z.645
Hornpipe in B flat major, Z.683
Hornpipe in D minor, Z.684, "Round O' from 'Abdelazar"
Hornpipe in E minor, Z.685
Jig in G minor, Z.686
March in C major, Z.647
March in C major, Z.648
Minuet in A minor, Z.649
Minuet in A minor, Z.650
Minuet in D minor, Z.688
Miscellaneous pieces from Oxford manuscripts
Musick's Handmaid
Rigadoon in C major, Z.653
Round-O, Z.684
Saraband in A minor, Z.654
Sefauchi's Farewell in D minor, Z.656
Trumpet Minuet in D
Trumpet Tune and Air, for keyboard
Trumpet Tune in C, Z.678, "Cibell"
Trumpet Tune in D
Trumpet Voluntary in D
Verse in F major, Z.716
Verse in the Phrygian mode, Z.126
Voluntary for Double Organ, Z.719
Voluntary in C major, Z.717
Voluntary in D minor, Z.718
Voluntary in G major, Z.720
Voluntary on the 100th Psalm in A major, Z.721
Dido and Aeneas, Z.626
The Fairy Queen, Z.629
Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge, Z.570
A Fool's Preferment, or, The Three Dukes of Dunstable, Z.571
Amphitryon, or the 2 Sosias, Z.572
Aureng-Zebe, or the Great Mogul, Z.573
Bonduca, or The British Heroine, Z.574
Circe, Z.575
Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero, Z.576
Distressed Innocence, or, the Princess of Persia, Z.577
Don Quixote, Z.578
Epsom Wells, Z.579
Henry II, King of England, Z.580
King Arthur or the British Worthy, Z.628
Love Triumphant, or Nature Will Prevail, Z.582
Oedipus, Z.583
Oroonoko, Z.584
Pausanius, the Betrayer of His Country, Z.585
Pausanius, Z.585
Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, Z.627
Regulus, or the Faction of Carthage, Z.586
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Z.587
Sir Anthony Love, or the Rambling Lady, Z.588
Sir Barnaby Whigg, or No Wit Like a Woman's, Z.589
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's Overthrow, Z.590
Spanish Friar, or the Double Discovery, Z.610
The Canterbury Guests, or A Bargain Broken, Z.591
The Double Dealer, Z.592
The English Lawyer, Z.594
The Fatal Marriage, or the Innocent Adultery, Z.595
The Female Virtuosos, Z.596
The Gordian Knot Unty'd, Z.597
The History of King Richard II, or, The Sicilian Usurper, Z.581
The Indian Emperor, or The Conquest of Mexico, Z.598
The Indian Queen, Z.630
The Knight of Malta, Z.599
The Libertine, or the Libertine Destroyed, Z.600
The Maid's Last Prayer, or Any Rather than Fail, Z.601
The Marriage-Hater Match'd, Z.602
The Married Beau, or the Curious Impertinent, Z.603
The Massacre of Paris, Z.604
The Mock Marriage, Z.605
Theodosius, or the Force of Love, Z.606
The Old Bachelor, Z.607
The Richmond Heiress, or, A Woman Once in the Right, Z.608
The Rival Sisters, or the Violence of Love, Z.609
The Tempest, Z.631
The Virtuous Wife, or Good Luck at Last, Z.611
The Wives' Excuse, or Cuckolds Make Themselves, Z.612
Timon of Athens, Z.632
Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr, Z.613
Hail, bright Cecilia, Z.328
'Tis women makes us love, catch for 4 voices, Z.281
Ah! cruel nymph! you give despair for soprano and continuo, Z.352
Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love, for soprano and continuo, Z.353
Amidst the Shades, for voice and continuo
Amidst the Shades and Cool Refreshing Streams, Z.355
An Evening Hymn, Z.193
A Prince, for voice and continuo
As Amoret and Thirsis lay, song, Z. 607/11
As Roger Last Night to Jenny Lay Close, catch for 3 voices, Z.242
A thousand sev'ral ways I tried, Z.359
Beati omnes, for soprano, bass, chorus and continuo, Z.131
Behold now, praise the Lord, anthem for alto, tenor, bass, chorus, 2 violins, viola and continuo, Z.3
Be Welcome, then, Great Sir, for 2 voices and continuo
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven, anthem, for 2 sopranos, alto, 2 tenors, bass, chorus and continuo, Z.8
Blessed is the Man that Feareth the Lord, for 3 voices and continuo, Z.9
Blow up the trumpet in Sion, for soloists, chorus and continuo, Z.10
Burial Service, Z.27
Cease, anxious World, for voice and continuo
Celebrate this Festival, Z.321
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
Come, Let Us Drink, catch for 3 voices and continuo, Z.245
Come Ye Sons of Art Away, Z.323
Corinna is divinely fair, song, Z.365
Cupid, the Slyest Rogue Alive, Z.367
Down, Down with Bacchus, catch for 3 voices, Z.247
Fly Bold Rebellion, for soloists, double chorus, strings and continuo, Z.324
Fly Swift, Ye Hours, Z.369
From rosie bow'rs, song, Z.578/9
From Silent Shades and the Elysian Groves, Z.370, "Bess of Bedlam"
Fye Nay Prithee John
Hail, Bright Cecilia, Z.328
Hail Gracious Glorianna, Hail!, for 2 voices and continuo
Hark, how the wild musicians sing, Z.542
Hear me, O Lord, the great support, sacred song for alto, tenor, chorus and continuo, Z.133
Hear my prayer, O God, for alto, tenor, bass, chorus and organ, Z.14
Hear my prayer, O Lord, for chorus, violins and continuo, Z.15
Hears not my Phyllis, Z.371
Here let my life, for 2 voices and continuo
Hosanna to the Highest, for bass, chorus, and continuo, Z.187
How happy's the husband, song, Z. 582/1
How Long, Great God?, for soprano and continuo, Z.189
How Pleasant is this Flowery Plain, for soprano, tenor, 2 recorders, and continuo, Z.543
If Ever I More Riches Did Desire, for 2 sopranos, tenor, bass, 2 violins, and continuo, Z.544
If Music Be the Food of Love, Z.379
I Gave Her Cakes and I Gave Her Ale, catch for 3 voices, Z.256
I lov'd fair Celia, Z.381
I Love and I Must, Z.382
Incassum, Lesbia, incassum rogas, Z.383
In Guilty Night, Z.134
In the midst of life, for soloists, chorus and organ, Z.17a
In vain we dissemble, Z.385
I resolve against cringing, Z.386
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z.388
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me, for alto, tenor, bass, chorus, string and organ, Z.19
I Will Give Thanks Unto Thee, O Lord, Z.20
I will love Thee, O Lord, anthem for bass, chorus and organ, Z.67
I will sing unto the Lord, for soloists, chorus and organ, Z.22
Jehova, quam multi sunt, sacred song for tenor, bass, chorus and continuo, Z.135
Let mine eyes run down with tears, for soloists, chorus and organ, Z.24
Let the Night Perish, sacred song for soprano, chorus and continuo, Z.191
Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry, for alto, tenor, bass, chorus and organ, Z.25
Lord, What is Man? for soprano and continuo, Z.192
Lost is My Quiet Forever, for 2 voices and continuo, Z.502
Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z.331
Lovely Albina's Come Ashore, Z.394
Mad Bess of Bedlam, "From silent shades"
Man that is born of a woman, for soprano, alto, tenor, chorus and organ, Z.27
Me O Ye Gods, for 2 voices and continuo
Miserere Mei, Z.109
Morning Service in D major, for soloists, chorus and orchestra, Z.230
Music for a While, song, Z. 583/2
My beloved spake, for alto, tenor, 2 basses, chorus, strings and continuo, Z.28
My Beloved Spake, Z.28
My heart, whenever you appear, Z.399
My heart is inditing, anthem for 2 sopranos, altos, tenors, basses, double chorus, strings and continuo, Z.30
My Lady's Coachman, John, catch for 3 voices, Z.260
Not All My Torments Can Your Pity Move, Z.400
Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, for soloists, chorus, violins and continuo, Z.332
Now That the Sun Hath Veiled His Light, Z.193, "An Evening Hymn on a Ground"
O! Fair Cedaria, Hide Those Eyes, Z.402
O dive custos Auriacae domus, for 2 sopranos and continuo, Z.504
Of Old, When Heroes Thought it Base, Z.333, "Yorkshire Feast Song"
O God, thou art my god, for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, double chorus and organ, Z.35
O God, Thou hast cast us out, for 2 sopranos, 2 altos, tenor, bass, chorus and organ, Z.36
O God the king of glory, for chorus and organ, Z.34
O how happy's he, Z.403
O let me weep, for voice and continuo
Olinda in the Shades Unseen, Z.404
O Lord, our Governor, anthem for 3 sopranos, 2 basses, chorus and organ, Z.39
O Lord, rebuke me not, anthem for 2 sopranos, chorus and organ, Z.40
Once, twice, thrice, I Julia tried, catch for 3 voices, Z.265
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z.405
O sing unto the Lord, anthem for soprano, alto, tenor, 2 basses, chorus, 2 violins, viola and organ, Z.44
O Sing Unto the Lord, Z.44
O Solitude, My Sweetest Choice, Z.406
Out of the deep have I called, anthem for soprano, alto, bass, chorus and continuo Z.45
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, song, Z.410
Pox on You for a Fop, catch for 3 voices, Z.268
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem, for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, chorus, 2 violins, viola and organ, Z.46
Raise, Raise the Voice, for soprano, bass, chorus, 2 violins and continuo, Z.334
Rashly I swore I would disown, Z.411
Rejoice in the Lord alway, Z.49, "Bell Anthem"
Remember not, Lord, our offences, for chorus and organ, Z.50
Saccharissa's grown old, for 2 voices and continuo, Z.507
She Loves and She Confesses Too, Z.413
Since from my dear Astrea's sight, aria for soprano, Z. 627/App2
Sir Walter Enjoying His Damsel, catch for 3 voices, Z.273
Sleep, Adam, for soprano and continuo, Z.195
Sleep, Adam, Sacred Song, for soprano and continuo, Z.195
Soft Notes and Gently Raised, Z.510, "A Serenading Song"
Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z.335
Stript of Their Green Our Groves Appear, Z.444
Sweeter than roses, song, Z. 585/1
Swifter, Isis, Swifter Flow, for soloists, chorus and instruments, Z.336
Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, for soloists, chorus and instruments in D major, Z.232
Tell Me, Some Pitying Angel, Z.196, "The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation"
The Earth Trembled, and Heav'n Closed, sacred song for bass and continuo, Z.197
The Fatal Hour Comes on Apace, Z.421
The Miller's Daugter Riding, catch for 3 voices, Z.277
The Noise of Foreign Wars
Thou Wakeful Shepherd, for soprano and continuo, Z.198, "Morning Hymn"
Thus to a ripe, consenting maid, song, Z.607/10
Tom the Taylor
Urge Me No More, Z.426
Welcome to all the Pleasures, Z.339
We sing to Him whose wisdom form'd the ear, sacred song for soprano, chorus of soprano and basso continuo, Z.199
What Can We Poor Females Do? for soprano and continuo, Z.429
When First Amintas Sued for a Kiss, Z.430
When her languishing eyes said 'love', song, Z.432
When my Aemelia smiles, Z.434
Who can behold Florella's charms?, Z.441
Who hath believed our report?, anthem for alto, 2 tenors, bass, chorus and organ, Z.64
Why, My Daphne, Why Complaining? for 2 voices and continuo, Z.525
With Sick and Famish'd Eyes, sacred song for soprano and continuo, Z.200
Young Thyrsis' fate, ye hills and groves, deplore, song for soprano, bass and continuo, Z.473

Henry Purcell
March and Canzona for the Funeral of Queen Mary, for 4 trumpets, Z.860
15 Fantasias for viols, D.732-747
A New Ground, for harpsichord, Z.T682
Chaconne in F for Recorder
Chaconne in F for Recorder and Organ
Chaconne in G minor for 4 Strings, Z.730
Chacony in G minor, for chamber ensemble, Z.730
Fantasia a4 in A minor, Z.744
Fantasia in D upon a Ground for 3 Violins and Continuo, Z.731
Here, the deities approve, for chamber ensemble
In Nomine of seven parts, for chamber ensemble
In Nomine of six parts, for chamber ensemble
Overture and Suite in G major, Z.770
Overture in D minor, Z.771
Overture in G minor, Z.772
Pavane and Chaconne
Pavan in A major, Z.748
Pavan in A minor, Z.749
Pavan in B flat major for 2 Violins, Z.750
Pavan in G minor, Z.751
Pavan in G minor for 3 Violins, Z.752
Prelude, for violin solo in G minor, ZN 773
Prelude in F for Solo Recorder
Prelude in G minor for Solo Violin, Z.773
Sonata a4 no. 1 in B minor, Z.802
Sonata a4 no. 2 in E flat major, Z.803
Sonata a4 no. 3 in A minor, Z.804
Sonata a4 no. 4 in D minor, Z.805
Sonata a4 no. 5 in G minor, Z.806
Sonata a4 no. 6 in G minor, Z.807
Sonata a4 no. 7 in C major, Z.808
Sonata a4 no. 8 in G minor, Z.809
Sonata a4 no. 10 in D major, Z.811
Sonata a5 in D major, Z.850
Sonata in C major, for trumpet, strings and organ
Suite for Trumpet and Organ
Theater Suite, for chamber ensemble
The Staircase Overture, Z.614
Three Parts Upon a Ground, for chamber ensemble
Trio Sonata in G minor, Z.780
Trio Sonata no. 1 in G minor, Z.790
Trio Sonata no. 2 in B flat major, Z.791
Trio Sonata no. 3 in D minor, Z.792
Trio Sonata no. 4 in F major, Z.793
Trio Sonata no. 5 in A minor, Z.794
Trio Sonata no. 6 in C major, Z.795
Trio Sonata no. 7 in E minor, Z.796
Trio Sonata no. 8 in G major, Z.797
Trio Sonata no. 9 in C minor, Z.798
Trio Sonata no. 9 in F, Z.810, "The Golden Sonata"
Trio Sonata no. 10 in A major, Z.799
Trio Sonata no. 11 in F minor, Z.800
Trio Sonta no. 12 in D major, Z.801
Trumpet Sonata in D major, Z. 850
Trumpet Sonata in D major, Z.850
8 Suites, Z.660-669
Air in G major, Z.641
A New Ground in E minor, Z.682
A New Irish Tune in G major, Z.646, "Lilliburlero"
A New Minuet in D minor, Z.689
A New Scotch Tune in G major, Z.655
Chaconne in G minor, Z.680
Ground in C minor, Z.681
Ground in Gamut in G major, Z.645
Hornpipe in B flat major, Z.683
Hornpipe in D minor, Z.684, "Round O' from 'Abdelazar"
Hornpipe in E minor, Z.685
Jig in G minor, Z.686
March in C major, Z.647
March in C major, Z.648
Minuet in A minor, Z.649
Minuet in A minor, Z.650
Minuet in D minor, Z.688
Miscellaneous pieces from Oxford manuscripts
Musick's Handmaid
Rigadoon in C major, Z.653
Round-O, Z.684
Saraband in A minor, Z.654
Sefauchi's Farewell in D minor, Z.656
Trumpet Minuet in D
Trumpet Tune and Air, for keyboard
Trumpet Tune in C, Z.678, "Cibell"
Trumpet Tune in D
Trumpet Voluntary in D
Verse in F major, Z.716
Verse in the Phrygian mode, Z.126
Voluntary for Double Organ, Z.719
Voluntary in C major, Z.717
Voluntary in D minor, Z.718
Voluntary in G major, Z.720
Voluntary on the 100th Psalm in A major, Z.721
Dido and Aeneas, Z.626
The Fairy Queen, Z.629
Abdelazer, or The Moor's Revenge, Z.570
A Fool's Preferment, or, The Three Dukes of Dunstable, Z.571
Amphitryon, or the 2 Sosias, Z.572
Aureng-Zebe, or the Great Mogul, Z.573
Bonduca, or The British Heroine, Z.574
Circe, Z.575
Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero, Z.576
Distressed Innocence, or, the Princess of Persia, Z.577
Don Quixote, Z.578
Epsom Wells, Z.579
Henry II, King of England, Z.580
King Arthur or the British Worthy, Z.628
Love Triumphant, or Nature Will Prevail, Z.582
Oedipus, Z.583
Oroonoko, Z.584
Pausanius, the Betrayer of His Country, Z.585
Pausanius, Z.585
Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, Z.627
Regulus, or the Faction of Carthage, Z.586
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Z.587
Sir Anthony Love, or the Rambling Lady, Z.588
Sir Barnaby Whigg, or No Wit Like a Woman's, Z.589
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's Overthrow, Z.590
Spanish Friar, or the Double Discovery, Z.610
The Canterbury Guests, or A Bargain Broken, Z.591
The Double Dealer, Z.592
The English Lawyer, Z.594
The Fatal Marriage, or the Innocent Adultery, Z.595
The Female Virtuosos, Z.596
The Gordian Knot Unty'd, Z.597
The History of King Richard II, or, The Sicilian Usurper, Z.581
The Indian Emperor, or The Conquest of Mexico, Z.598
The Indian Queen, Z.630
The Knight of Malta, Z.599
The Libertine, or the Libertine Destroyed, Z.600
The Maid's Last Prayer, or Any Rather than Fail, Z.601
The Marriage-Hater Match'd, Z.602
The Married Beau, or the Curious Impertinent, Z.603
The Massacre of Paris, Z.604
The Mock Marriage, Z.605
Theodosius, or the Force of Love, Z.606
The Old Bachelor, Z.607
The Richmond Heiress, or, A Woman Once in the Right, Z.608
The Rival Sisters, or the Violence of Love, Z.609
The Tempest, Z.631
The Virtuous Wife, or Good Luck at Last, Z.611
The Wives' Excuse, or Cuckolds Make Themselves, Z.612
Timon of Athens, Z.632
Tyrannic Love, or the Royal Martyr, Z.613