

Ernest Moeran







'Tis time, I think, by Wenlock town, for voice and piano

6 Folksongs from Norfolk, for voice and piano

6 Suffolk Folksongs, for voice and piano

7 Poems by James Joyce, for voice and piano

Blue-eyed Spring, for voice and piano

Can't you dance the Polka

Come Away, Death, for voice and piano

Dream of Death, for voice and piano

English Lyrics, for voice and piano

Far in a western brookland

Gaol Song, for chorus

Gather Ye Rosebuds, for chorus

High Germany, for voice and piano

If There Be Any Gods, for voice and piano

Invitation in Autumn, for voice and piano

In Youth is Pleasure, for voice and piano

Irish Elegy, for chorus

Loveliest of trees, for voice and piano

Ludlow Town, songs for voice and piano

Maltworms, for soloist, chorus and piano

Mantle of Blue, for voice and piano

Mrs Dyer, the Baby Farmer, for soloist, chorus and piano

Nocturne, for baritone, chorus and orchestra

Oh fair enough are sky and plain, for voice and piano

Parson and Clerk, for voice and piano

Poems of Seumas O'Sullivan, for voice and piano

Rahoon, for voice and piano

Robin Hood Borne on his Bier, for chorus

Rosaline, for voice and piano

Rosefrail, for voice and piano

Shakespeare Songs, for voice and piano

Sheep Shearing

Songs, for voice and piano

Songs from County Kerry, for voice and piano

Songs of Springtime, for chorus

Spring goeth all in white, for voice and piano

The Day of Palms, for voice and piano

The Jolly Carter, for chorus

The Little Milkmaid, for voice and piano

The Merry Month of May

The Merry Month of May, for voice and piano

The Monk's Fancy, for voice and piano

The North Sea Ground, for voice and piano

The Sailor and Young Nancy, for chorus

Tilly, for voice and piano

Troll the Bowl, for voice and piano

Twilight, for voice and piano

Weep you no more, for voice and piano

Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, for chorus

When I came last to Ludow, for voice and piano

When June is come, for voice and piano