
Witold Lutoslawski
String Quartet
5 Dance Preludes, for clarinet and piano
7 Preludes and Fugue for 13 solo strings
Bucolics, 5 pieces for viola and cello
Chain 1, for chamber orchestra
Fanfare for CUBE, for brass quintet
Fanfare for Lancaster, for brass ensemble and side drum
Grave, for cello and piano
Little Suite, for chamber orchestra
Lullaby for Anne-Sophie, for violin and piano
Mini Overture, for brass quintet
Partita, for violin and piano
Recitativo e arioso, for violin and piano
Sacher Variation, for cello
Subito, for violin and piano
Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon
Tune, for trombone
Cello Concerto
Chain 2: Dialogue for Violin and Orchestra
Concerto for Orchestra
Jeux venitiens
Livre pour orchestre, 6 pieces
Symphony no. 2
Symphony no. 3
3 Postludes
5 Folk Melodies
Chain 3
Double Concerto for Oboe, Harp, and Chamber Orchestra
Fanfare for Louisville
Muzyka zalobna
Overture for Strings, for string orchestra
Piano Concerto
Prelude for G.S.M.D.
Symphonic Variations
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 4
Variations on a theme of Paganini, for piano and orchestra
Venetian Games, for chamber orchestra
2 Children's Songs, for voice and piano
3 Poems of Henri Michaux, for chorus, strings and percussion
4 Children's Songs, for voice and orchestra
5 Songs, for mezzo-soprano and piano
6 Children's Songs, for female voice and piano or chamber orchestra
20 Polish Carols, for voice and piano
Chantefleurs et Chantefables, for soprano and orchestra
Dormez cette pâleur nous est venue de loin, for tenor and orchestra
Les espaces du sommeil, for baritone and orchestra
Mille chevaux hors d'haleine, for tenor and orchestra
Paroles tissees, for voice and orchestra
Paroles tissées, for tenor and 20 solo instruments
Quand le jour a rouvert les branches du jardin, for tenor and orchestra
Silesian Triptych, for soprano and orchestra
Un chat qui s'émerveille, for tenor and orchestra

Witold Lutoslawski
String Quartet
5 Dance Preludes, for clarinet and piano
7 Preludes and Fugue for 13 solo strings
Bucolics, 5 pieces for viola and cello
Chain 1, for chamber orchestra
Fanfare for CUBE, for brass quintet
Fanfare for Lancaster, for brass ensemble and side drum
Grave, for cello and piano
Little Suite, for chamber orchestra
Lullaby for Anne-Sophie, for violin and piano
Mini Overture, for brass quintet
Partita, for violin and piano
Recitativo e arioso, for violin and piano
Sacher Variation, for cello
Subito, for violin and piano
Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon
Tune, for trombone
Cello Concerto
Chain 2: Dialogue for Violin and Orchestra
Concerto for Orchestra
Jeux venitiens
Livre pour orchestre, 6 pieces
Symphony no. 2
Symphony no. 3
3 Postludes
5 Folk Melodies
Chain 3
Double Concerto for Oboe, Harp, and Chamber Orchestra
Fanfare for Louisville
Muzyka zalobna
Overture for Strings, for string orchestra
Piano Concerto
Prelude for G.S.M.D.
Symphonic Variations
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 4
Variations on a theme of Paganini, for piano and orchestra
Venetian Games, for chamber orchestra