
Ned Rorem
4 Prayers, for flute and piano
9 Episodes for Four Players, quartet in 9 movements for clarinet, violin, cello, and piano
Book of Hours, 8 pieces for flute and harp
Bright Music, for flute, 2 violins, cello and piano
Dances, for cello and piano
Day Music, for violin and piano
Mountain Song, for flute, oboe, violin, cello and piano
Night Music, for violin and piano
Picnic on the Marne, 7 waltzes for alto saxophone and piano
Pilgrims, for strings
Romeo and Juliet, for flute and guitar
Spring Music, for violin, cello, and piano
String Quartet no. 4
Suite for Guitar
The End of Summer, for violin, clarinet, and piano
The Unquestioned Answer, quintet for flute, 2 violins, cello and piano
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano
2 Poems of Elisabeth Bishop
2 Poems of Theodore Roethke
2 Psalms and a Proverb, for chorus and string quartet
3 Choruses for Christmas
3 Motets
4 Dialogues, for 2 voices and 2 pianos
4 Madrigals, on texts by Sappho, for vocal quartet
4 Poems of Tennyson
5 Songs to Poems of Walt Whitman
7 Motets for the Church Year
Are you the new person
Ariel, cycle of 5 poems, for soprano, clarinet and piano
As Adam Early in the Morning
Catullus: on the burial of his brother, for voice and piano
Cycle of Holy Songs
Early in the Morning, for voice and piano
Echo's Songs
Evidence of Things Not Seen, for voices and piano
Flight for Heaven, song cycle for voice and piano
For Susan, for voice and piano
Full of life now
Gloria, for soprano, mezzo-soprano and piano
Hearing, cycle of 6 songs
I Am Rose
In a Gondola
In Time of Pestilence, for chorus
I Strolled Across an Open Field
I will always love you, for voice, string trio and piano
Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair, for voice and piano
King Midas, cantata for voices and piano
Little Elegy
Look Down, Fair Moon
Lullaby of the Woman of the Mountain
Medieval Lyrics
More Than a Day, song cycle for countertenor and chamber orchestra
My Papa's Waltz
Nantucket Songs
Night Crow
Now sleeps the crimson petal, for voice and piano
O Do Not Love Too Long, for voice and piano
On a Singing Girl, for voice and piano
O You Whom I Often and Silently Come
Pilgrim Strangers, for 6 male voices
Pippa's Song
Poems of Love and the Rain, song cycle for mezzo-soprano and piano
Praise the Lord, O My Soul, for chorus and organ
Rain in spring, for voice and piano
Sally's Smile
See how they love me
Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love
Spring and Fall
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Such beauty as hurts to behold
That Shadow, My Likeness, song for voice and piano
The Call
The Lordly Hudson
The Serpent, for voice and piano
The Silver Swan
The Waking
To a Young Girl, for voice and piano
To You
War Scenes, cycle of 5 songs from Whitman
What if some Little Pain
Youth, Day, Old Age, and Night

Ned Rorem
4 Prayers, for flute and piano
9 Episodes for Four Players, quartet in 9 movements for clarinet, violin, cello, and piano
Book of Hours, 8 pieces for flute and harp
Bright Music, for flute, 2 violins, cello and piano
Dances, for cello and piano
Day Music, for violin and piano
Mountain Song, for flute, oboe, violin, cello and piano
Night Music, for violin and piano
Picnic on the Marne, 7 waltzes for alto saxophone and piano
Pilgrims, for strings
Romeo and Juliet, for flute and guitar
Spring Music, for violin, cello, and piano
String Quartet no. 4
Suite for Guitar
The End of Summer, for violin, clarinet, and piano
The Unquestioned Answer, quintet for flute, 2 violins, cello and piano
Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano