
Einojuhani Rautavaara
April Lines
A Requiem in our Time, for brass, op. 3
Eingang, for voice and string quartet
Fanfare for 4 Trumpets
Hymnus, for trumpet and organ
Lost Landscapes
Monologues of the Unicorn, for guitar
Notturno e Danza
Octet for Winds
Partita for Guitar
Playgrounds for Angels, for 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, horn, and tuba
Serenades of the Unicorn
Serenades of the Unicorn, for guitar
Sonata for Flute and Guitar
Sonetto for Clarinet and Piano, op. 53
String Quartet no. 1, "Quartettino"
String Quartet no. 2, op. 12
String Quartet no. 4, op. 87
Summer Thoughts
Tarantará, for solo trumpet
Whispering, for violin and piano
6 Etudes, op. 42
7 Preludes for Piano, op. 7
Ikonit, suite for piano, op. 6
Ikonit for piano, suite for piano, op. 6
Laudatio trinitatis, for organ
Piano Sonata no. 1, op. 50, "Christus und die Fischer"
Piano Sonata no. 2, op. 64, "The Fire Sermon"
Ta Tou Theou, for organ
Toccata for Organ, op. 59
Angels and Visitations
Cantus Arcticus, for orchestra and taped bird songs, op. 61
Piano Concerto no. 1
Symphony no. 7, "Angel of Light"
Symphony no. 8, "The Journey"
Violin Concerto
Adagio celeste, for strings
A Finnish Myth, for string orchestra
Anadyomene, "Adoration of Aphrodite"
Annunciations, concerto for organ, brass and symphonic winds
A Soldier's Mass, for wind ensemble, op. 40
A Tapestry of Life, for orchestra
Autumn Gardens
Ballad for Harp and Strings
Before the Icons, for orchestra
Book of Visions
Canto 1, for string orchestra
Canto 2, for string orchestra
Canto 3, for string orchestra, "A Portrait of the Artist at a Certain Moment"
Canto 4, for string orchestra
Cantus Arcticus for orchestra and taped bird songs, op. 61
Cello Concerto
Cello Concerto no. 2, "Towards the Horizon"
Clarinet Concerto
Divertimento for string orchestra
Divertimento for String Orchestra
Epitaph for Béla Bartók, for string orchestra
Flute Concerto, op. 63, "Dances with the Winds"
Garden of Spaces
Harp Concerto
Hommage à Kodály Zoltán, for string orchestra
Hommage à Liszt Ferenc, for string orchestra
Lintukoto, for orchestra
Manhattan Trilogy, for orchestra
Modificata, for orchestra
Pelimannit, for strings, op. 1
Percussion Concerto, "Incantations"
Piano Concerto no. 2
Piano Concerto no. 3, "Gift of Dreams"
Pohjalainen polska
Pohjalainen polska, for orchestra or strings
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 2, "Sinfonia intima"
Symphony no. 3, op. 20
Symphony no. 4, "Arabescata"
Symphony no. 5
Symphony no. 6, for orchestra and synthesizer, "Vincentiana"
2 Preludes by T. S. Eliot, for male chorus, op. 32
3 Sonnets of Shakespeare, song cycle for high or medium voice and piano
4 Romances from the opera Rasputin, for male chorus
4 Serenades, for male chorus
4 Songs from the Opera Aleksis Kivi, for voice and piano
5 Sonnets to Orpheus, for medium voice and orchestra
Ave Maria, for male chorus, op. 10, no. 1
Ave Maria gratia plena, for chorus
Canción de nuestro tiempo
Canticum Mariae Virginis, for chorus
Die erste Elegie
Die erste Elegie, for chorus
Die Liebenden, song cycle for high voice and chamber orchestra
Elämän kirja, 11 songs in 5 languages for male chorus and soloists
Guds väg, song cycle for high or medium voice and piano
Halavan himmeän alla
Hallin Janne, for male chorus
Herran rukous
I min älsklings trädgård, for SSAA chorus
I min älsklings trädgård, song cycle for voice and piano
Isontalon Antti ja Rannanjärvi, for male chorus
Katedralen, for chorus and soloists
Kettu ja sairas kukko, for male chorus
Kvällen stundar, song for chorus
Lapsimessu, for children's chorus
Laulaja, for male chorus
Legenda, for male chorus
Lehdet lehtiä, for male chorus
Lorca Suite, for mixed or children's choir
Lorulei, for SSA chorus
Ludus verbalis
Maailman uneen, song cycle for voice and piano
Magnificat, for soloists and chorus
Magnificat, for soloists and chorus
Marjatan jouluvirsi, for chorus
Matka, song cycle for medium voice and piano
Missa a cappella
Missa Duodecanonica, for 3-part chorus
Nirvana Dharma, for chorus, soprano and flute
Och glädjen den dansar
Och glädjen den dansar, for chorus
On the Last Frontier, fantasy for chorus and orchestra
Our Joyful'st Feast, for chorus
Praktisch Deutsch, suite for chorus
Psalms, for male or mixed chorus, op. 37
Puusepän poika, for SSA chorus
Pyhiä päivä, song cycle for high or medium voice and piano
Rakkaus ei koskaan häviä, for soprano and female chorus
Sommarnatten, for chorus
Syksy virran suussa, for male chorus
True and False Unicorn, for chorus and orchestra
Viatonten valssi, for SSA chorus, violin and piano
Vigilia, for soloists and chorus
Wenn sich die Welt auftut, for SSAA chorus

Einojuhani Rautavaara
April Lines
A Requiem in our Time, for brass, op. 3
Eingang, for voice and string quartet
Fanfare for 4 Trumpets
Hymnus, for trumpet and organ
Lost Landscapes
Monologues of the Unicorn, for guitar
Notturno e Danza
Octet for Winds
Partita for Guitar
Playgrounds for Angels, for 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, horn, and tuba
Serenades of the Unicorn
Serenades of the Unicorn, for guitar
Sonata for Flute and Guitar
Sonetto for Clarinet and Piano, op. 53
String Quartet no. 1, "Quartettino"
String Quartet no. 2, op. 12
String Quartet no. 4, op. 87
Summer Thoughts
Tarantará, for solo trumpet
Whispering, for violin and piano
6 Etudes, op. 42
7 Preludes for Piano, op. 7
Ikonit, suite for piano, op. 6
Ikonit for piano, suite for piano, op. 6
Laudatio trinitatis, for organ
Piano Sonata no. 1, op. 50, "Christus und die Fischer"
Piano Sonata no. 2, op. 64, "The Fire Sermon"
Ta Tou Theou, for organ
Toccata for Organ, op. 59
Angels and Visitations
Cantus Arcticus, for orchestra and taped bird songs, op. 61
Piano Concerto no. 1
Symphony no. 7, "Angel of Light"
Symphony no. 8, "The Journey"
Violin Concerto
Adagio celeste, for strings
A Finnish Myth, for string orchestra
Anadyomene, "Adoration of Aphrodite"
Annunciations, concerto for organ, brass and symphonic winds
A Soldier's Mass, for wind ensemble, op. 40
A Tapestry of Life, for orchestra
Autumn Gardens
Ballad for Harp and Strings
Before the Icons, for orchestra
Book of Visions
Canto 1, for string orchestra
Canto 2, for string orchestra
Canto 3, for string orchestra, "A Portrait of the Artist at a Certain Moment"
Canto 4, for string orchestra
Cantus Arcticus for orchestra and taped bird songs, op. 61
Cello Concerto
Cello Concerto no. 2, "Towards the Horizon"
Clarinet Concerto
Divertimento for string orchestra
Divertimento for String Orchestra
Epitaph for Béla Bartók, for string orchestra
Flute Concerto, op. 63, "Dances with the Winds"
Garden of Spaces
Harp Concerto
Hommage à Kodály Zoltán, for string orchestra
Hommage à Liszt Ferenc, for string orchestra
Lintukoto, for orchestra
Manhattan Trilogy, for orchestra
Modificata, for orchestra
Pelimannit, for strings, op. 1
Percussion Concerto, "Incantations"
Piano Concerto no. 2
Piano Concerto no. 3, "Gift of Dreams"
Pohjalainen polska
Pohjalainen polska, for orchestra or strings
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 1
Symphony no. 2, "Sinfonia intima"
Symphony no. 3, op. 20
Symphony no. 4, "Arabescata"
Symphony no. 5
Symphony no. 6, for orchestra and synthesizer, "Vincentiana"